
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Night Update

I just got back from the hospital a couple of hours ago, and I'm having to deal with the fact that my mom was taken off the donor list. The doctors feel that there is nothing more that they can do for her, and tomorrow at around 9am, they will take her off the machines and she will be in palliative care. The doctors say that they have seen patients pass in an hour, a few hours, a day, or maybe even in weeks. They will keep her comfortable by giving her morphine for pain and just Tylenol for fever. Nothing will be given for infections or anything of the sort. If something goes wrong, no matter when, they will not resuscitate her. Only God can give us the miracle we have been asking for. There is still hope that she will wake up, and if she does then they will start the process all over again. If not, and if she is ready to go, then at least we know she will not be suffering and she will be in a better place.

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